Reiki Healing

Learning Reiki; Heal yourself and Others

Learning Reiki opens doorways to work upon your body, mind, and soul. The beauty of Reiki meditation is that it works on all three planes (physical, astral, and causal) simultaneously and automatically! The numerous benefits of Reiki have been discussed at Benefits Of Reiki. At faithhealers we strive to teach Reiki in the undiluted traditional ways as told by Mikao Usui, who introduced Reiki to the world. Online Reiki courses and at Geeta Sharma’s Reiki center are based on the Usui Reiki training format. There are five levels or degrees of learning Reiki. 

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After Reiki attunement, you not only become a channel to heal yourself but also a channel to heal others.

Who all can learn Reiki?

Learning Reiki; it is simple!

The beauty of Reiki is that becoming a healing channel is very simple independent of one’s intellectual capacity and there is no age limit. There are NO pre-conditions or prerequisites for learning Reiki.  You don’t have to be a meditation expert either!


There is no rote learning involved and nor you need years of practice. The seed of healing energies is passed on from the teacher to the student during Reiki Class by a Reiki Grand Master and is called the “attunement” process. Once “attunement” is complete, the student is a “Reiki Channel” and is ready to tap into an unlimited supply of ” universal life force” and one has Reiki and can do Reiki.  Although receiving Reiki energies in a Reiki Healing Session from an energy healer is a very relaxing experience but with self-healing, you can become your own doctor. Reiki Level 1 deals with self-care and is recommended for all. Self-healing stays forever with you!

Learning Reiki is a one-time investment especially for self care over paying for repeated sessions! Reiki Grand-master Geeta Sharma has been healing and teaching Reiki for more than 20 years. Teaching Reiki and empowering people to realize their goals, overcome their hurts and pains is her passion.So stop not, book your Reiki class now with Reiki expert Geeta Sharma , call or Whatsapp: +91 9899678977.
